Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Welding Inspection, Inspection and Testing, Safety Management
Technical consulting services for EPC
Since a decade CTI srl is market leader in technical consulting services for technical consulting services for Companies with EPC projects about "TURNKEY" supply in particular about energy production, steel and petrochemical industry. On behalf of public authorities we carry out important assignments as supervision, monitoring, specialized testing and controlling in welding where it is compulsory to follow the law in force prescriptions and the committee's requests.
Inspection activity
Thanks to his strong experience CTI srl is well reliable as inspector of machines and handiwork in sub suppliers. Cti srl through his high qualified inspectors controls the suppliers' productive ability and qualifies them according to the contractor's need. In addition we check production process and the product delivery by a quality management system so that it can be assured that the result satisfies the law in force and the CUStOmer's demand.
Technical surveillance activity, site supervision and prefabrication and assembly of plants
We use the same expertise to check the prefabrication and assembly of plants, and the activity of site supervision, where our technicians are engaged on site for the compliance with regulations and Client’s provisions, through continuous testing of material, welders and related procedures, of NDT operators qualifications, non-destructive tests and certification of the results. We have a well-equipped database with about 600 professionals and different specializations which meet the different requirements from our Clients, among with Quality Inspectors, Welding Inspectors, Expediters, Quality Control Mangers, Quality Coordinators, and many others.
Professionals with specialization
CTI srl supplies professionals with specialization in stocks safety management.